Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Arun Valley’s profit Rs 5.74 crore, a 16.07 % growth from last year Valley Hydropower Development Company made a profit of Rs 5.74 crore in the FY 2069/70, a 16.07 % growth from last year. The hydel’s profits last year had stood at Rs 4.95 crore.

At Rs 7.17 crore, the hydropower company’s operating profit increased by a meager 2.93%.

Income from power sales declined to Rs 7 crore from Rs 7.25 crore last year, a drop of 3.37%. But the hydel pulled in profits of Rs 1.56 crore from other sources, a rise of 30.17% from last year.

Arun valley’s EPS stands at Rs 18.86 and net worth at Rs 122.05.

(Rs. In '000')
 Particulars FY 2069/70  FY 2068/69 Growth
Net Profit (Rs.) 57498.27 49539.17 16.07%
Operating Profit (Rs.) 71700.08 69657.93 2.93%
Income from Power Sales to NEA 70098.59 72544.18 -3.37%
Income from Other Sources 15675.93 12042.38 30.17%
Total Income 85774.53 84586.57 1.40%
Fiscal Year End Price 285 305 -6.56%
EPS (Rs.) 18.86 16.05 17.51%
Net Worth Per Share (Rs.) 122.05 104.06 17.29%
P/E Ratio 15.11 19.01 -20.52%

Official Notice

 Src : sharesansar, nepalsharemarket