Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Gold price up by Rs.1‚300 per tola

Price of gold has increased by Rs. 1,300 per tola on Wednesday and reached Rs. 53,900.
According to Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers' Association (NEGOSIDA), the gold price was Rs. 52,600 per tola on Tuesday.
The gold price was increased due to impact of international market, said NEGOSIDA. Gold was traded at Rs. 52,300 in Nepali market on Friday and it was stable until Monday. It was slightly up by Rs. 300 per tola on Tuesday.

Reliable Finance to give Loan against shares fueled by strong liquidity

Reliable Finance has announced to provide loans against shares. The finance company has declared that it will furnish loans up to 70 percent of the share value within three days of pledging the shares.

Other banks and finance institutions are likely to follow the move, given the high liquidity in the market fueled by soaring bank deposits in the past few weeks. It heralds a good sign for the secondary market investors as they will have easy access to funds for further investment.
src : sharesansar

NCC Bank posts 108% growth in profit Bank has reported a staggering growth in profit for the FY 2069/70.

In an unaudited financial report published on July 31, the bank posted 108.81% growth as it earned Rs 37.08 crore in net profit compared to Rs 17.76 crore in the last fiscal.

Arun Valley’s profit Rs 5.74 crore, a 16.07 % growth from last year Valley Hydropower Development Company made a profit of Rs 5.74 crore in the FY 2069/70, a 16.07 % growth from last year. The hydel’s profits last year had stood at Rs 4.95 crore.

At Rs 7.17 crore, the hydropower company’s operating profit increased by a meager 2.93%.

NLG Insurance Company issued 20% bonus share notice Insurance Company Ltd. has issued notice regarding the distribution of 20 percent bonus share certificate from 4 August, 2013 (20 Shrawan. 2070).

Official Announcement : 

NEPSE incline by 1.64 points to 547.61.

   The market index today also showcased the positive sentiment of the investors. But the capitalization of gain in the latter hours deterred the market day’s gain to some extent.

The publication of Nepal Credit and Commerce Bank (NCCB) financial report with an astounding growth figure of 108% in Net profit, tallying to Rs 370.8 million, paved the way for signalling effect among commercial banks’ scrips in the initial hour, boosting the Banking sector by 6 points.

Tunnel at Kulekhani III hydropower project completed Kulekhani III hydropower project has marked a major breakthrough with the completion of a tunnel to bring water to the powerhouse. The final section of the tunnel from Bhainse-Sannanitar was completed on Monday.
Sino Hydropower Company has been constructing the 14 MW Kulekhani III project. The digging ceremony for the last part of the tunnel was attended by representatives from the local administration, political parties, journalists and local people.

Prabhu signs remittance pact with Century Commercial Bank Money Transfer on Tuesday signed a remittance payment agreement with Century Commercial Bank.

Now onwards, money sent from foreign countries through Prabhu Money Transfer can be received from all 31 branches of the bank. Rameshwar Sapkota, general manager of Prabhu Money Transfer, and Ganesh Kumar Shrestha, CEO of Century Commercial Bank, signed the agreement amid a function held in Kathmandu.

Ankhu Khola-1 starts power generation Ankhu Khola I hydropower project situated in northern part of Dhading district started commercial power generation from Monday.

Power generated by the 8.4-megawatt project has been connected to the national grid. The project, situated in Salyankot and Marpak Village Development Committees, has been developed by Ankhu Khola Jalbidhyut Company Limited.

30 foreign delegates to participate in hydropower meet 30 participants from four sovereign wealth funds and international power developers will congregate in Kathmandu to discuss on the Nepal´s hydropower development on August 28 and 29.

The Hydropower Investment Development Company Limited has invited sovereign funds from Canada, UAE, China and Singapore and power developers from China, Australia and India, among others, to take part in Hydropower Investment Meeting.

Mergers of Banks & financial institutions gain momentum

The merger policy introduced by the central bank two years back has been successful as almost one-fourth of the financial institutions have opted for mergers since then.

Since April 2011, when Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) introduced the Merger Bylaws, 43 financial institutions have merged so far and 13 more are in the process of merging.

Ministries yet to submit proposals ministries have once again failed to heed the Finance Ministry’s call to start spending the capital budget on time as very few have so far forwarded project proposals for approval at the National Planning Commission (NPC), the apex body that formulates country’s development plans.

Blue Chip Stocks of Nepal Stock Exchange, EBL NABIL, CHCL, BPCL, MBBL, SBBL etc

"Blue chip stocks are the stocks of nationally known companies whose value and dividend are reliable; typically have high price and low yield;"blue chips are usually safe investments"

I have my list of top two companies in each sector with exception to hotel group. The list is as follows:

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Century Commercial Bank IPO public share issue likely from 2nd week of Bhadra, 2070 Commercial Bank is all set to issue primary shares aimed at general public likely from 2nd week of Bhadra, 2070 . The bank has already appointed Citizen Investment Trust, Nabil Investment, Growmore Merchant, Civil Capital and NCM Merchant as issue managers.

Narayani National Finance Ltd. net profit of Rs 98.879 million

Narayani National Finance Ltd. has posted net profit of Rs 98.879 million and published company analysis during the 4th quarter of the fiscal year 2069/70

Unaudited Report

Neco Insurance Co. Ltd. 11.5% bonus share distribution from 16 Shrawan 2070

 Insurance co. Ltd. is distributing 11.5 percent bonus share certificate from 31 July. 2013 (16 Shrwan, 2070).

Official Notice

Rastriya Beema Sansthan found violating regulations Beema Sansthan has been operating without audit for seven years.
As the company has not undergone any audit since fiscal year 2062/63, after the end of FY 2069/70, the company will have to carry out an audit for the past eight years
As per the rule, a company has to carry out audit every year.

Nepal Bangladesh Bank gives IFIC one more month to send money

Nepal Bangladesh Bank has written to Bangladesh-based IFIC Bank asking it to submit the amount it owes to NB Bank on the purchase of promoters shares by 21 August.

The NB Bank extended the deadline by one month after IFIC sought more time to send the money. Earlier, IFIC had been given three months to submit the money.

Nabil Balance Fund-1 NAV improves, reaches to Rs 10.22

 Nabil Balance Fund-1, a mutual fund scheme of Nabil Mutual Fund that is managed by Nabil Investment Banking Limited, a subsidiary company of the Nabil Bank Limited, has registered a slight growth in its net asset value (NAV).
The NAV of the closed-end 5 years mutual fund scheme increased by Rs 0.25 to Rs 10.22 per unit from Rs 9.97 per unit last month.
The mutual fund scheme is sponsored by Nabil Bank Limited.

NEPSE reaches 545.97 four & half months high

The share market of Nepal gained further mileage today as the benchmark index rallied by 6.92 points.

As the fiscal year 2069/70 has just ended, the companies have started publishing financial reports, and the speculation of possible dividend for this fiscal year has started to kick-in on the market.

Narayani Finance & Nepal Express Finance post Rs9.88 crore & Rs2.29 crore net profits.

Narayani National Finance Limited has reported 45.49 % increase in its net profit for FY 2069/70. The finance company earned a net profit of Rs 9.88 crore as compared to Rs 6.79 crore in the last fiscal.

Narayani’s deposits rose to Rs 3.73 arba from Rs 3.10 arba in the last fiscal. The company has forwarded loan and advances of Rs 3.51 arba. The finance company’s EPS stands at Rs 15.27 and net worth at Rs 141.94.

Garima Bikash Bank 20% dividend likely Bikash Bank le aarthik barsa 2069/70 ma Rs.61,193,000 munafa kamauna safal bhayeko cha, saathai so aawadhi ma yesko 'reserve' pani bahdera Rs.93,992,000 pugeko cha. Kati paya bank tatha bittiya sanstha haru ko 'non-performing loan' badhi raheko aawastha ma GBBL le gayeko barsa dekhi nai 'NPL' 0.01% ma rakhna safal bhayeko cha jun kura lai upalabdhi nai mannu parne huncha.

Bank deposits down by Rs 16 billion over first fortnight.

Deposits at commercial banks fell by Rs 16 billion over the first fortnight of the fiscal year 2013/14.

Commercial banks had reported total deposits of Rs 1000.17 billion at the end of the last fiscal year when huge amount of public money flowed into the market due to rapid pace of development works. Now, the development activities have come to a standstill with the beginning of new fiscal year leading to increasing withdrawal of deposits from the banks.

Clean Energy Development Bank Ltd (CEDB) won National Best Presented Annual Report Award 2012 Energy Development Bank Ltd (CEDB) has won National Best Presented Annual Report Award 2012 in Other Financial Sector Subject To Prudential Supervision category conferred by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ICAN).

Banks & financial institutions allowed to raise lending to deprived sectors

Banks and financial institutions (BFIs) will be able to maintain an increased level of compulsory lending to deprived sectors in two instalments. The central bank has told them that they can increase their lending by 0.25 percent by mid-January and by another 0.25 percent by mid-July 2014.

Gold smuggling rampant in Biratnagar

The gold and silver smuggling groups have been using Biratnagar due to open border, police source said. Large scale gold and silver entrepreneurs have been using small gold traders to smuggle gold to India.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Today Hydropower accelerates 25.99 points & 13.48 points up in insurance market turned positive for second straight session of this week. The sky rocketing in the insurance sector with the news of capital growth and positive sentiments toward the hydropower underpinned the growth. Similarly the growth in the others sector has led the market straight high despite of the fact that shows drop down on NTC Profit.

Nepal Telecom to pay Rs 48 dividend per share Telecom is set to pay out a dividend close to Rs 48 per share to its shareholders.

The telecom has earmarked Rs 61 crore 24 lakh 42 thousand for paying out dividends after setting aside the amount to be paid to the government. The dividend was set aside in NT’s budget for the FY 2070/71.

Big bank aren't willing to merge: Tulasi Gautam (CEO of MBL)

He said that the first thing that parties entering merger must be clear about is the objective behind the merger. In many cases there is a lack of clarity when it comes to the objective, said Gautam.

Other issues that crop up during the merger process are electing representatives on the board of directors, selecting the executive head, fixing the share swap ratio and reorganizing the staff.

Muktinath Bikas Bank profit increases 38.03% an unaudited financial report published on Monday, Muktinath Bikas Bank Limited has reported a 38.03 percent increase in net profit for the FY 2069/70.The bank’s profit rose to Rs 9.80 crore as against Rs 7.10 crore in the last fiscal.
Likewise, Muktinath’s deposits grew by 33.17 percent, taking the total deposits to Rs 3.66 arba as compared to last year’s 2.75 arba.

Manaslu Bikas Bank MBBL's IPO shares for public Bikas Bank Limited, a three district development bank, has launched its IPO from today. The bank has floated 360,000 unit shares priced at Rs 100 per share.

Manaslu has set aside 7,200 unit shares for its employees, leaving 352,800 units for general public. Investors will have to file applications for a minimum of 50 units, while the limit for maximum shares has been set at 50,000 units.

NEPSE at 539.05, Highest of 91 Trading Days

The growing expectation of investors continues to propel the Nepse index today also.

Starting from yesterday’s closing the market index persistently kept up with its bullish rally till the end of the today’s session attributing to 4.83 points surge.

With today’s progress, the local bourse came to settle at 539.05 levels which is 91 trading day’s high; last time it came across this level was in the month of March, 2013.

NIC ASIA 40% Bonus and 40% Cash, Good bonus share of Global IME

As per the reliable source, i have just found out that the BOAN 50% left out paid up capital i.e. Rs 100 crores (approx) will be given as bonus share to the shareholders of the NIC Asia Limited.

Nic Asia will also distribute profit from the profit they have made till the Asad end to its shareholders.
NRB has made it compulsory that the left out capitalized capital will be disbursed as a bonus share to the merged institution.

Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) enforces new CRR‚ SLR provisions

Banks and financial institutions in the country now have more funds to invest or extend as credit, as the changes in Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) introduced through the latest Monetary Policy came into effect from today.

Nepal Telecom (NT) to add 2.91m phone lines this year Telecom (NT) will add about 2.91 million telephone lines in the current fiscal year.

NT is planning to add two million mobile phone lines, said spokesperson of the state-owned company Gun Keshari Pradahn while announcing programmes for the year. “We are upgrading GSM service across the country by installing new BTSs and expanding 3G services,” she said. The company has a customer base of 8.94 million people, mostly in GSM service.

Nepal Telecom’s (NT) net profit declined by Rs 1 billion in 2012-13 Telecom’s (NT) net profit declined by Rs 1 billion in 2012-13 even as its revenue increased to Rs 37.60 billion. The reason behind the fall in the profit is the payment of the first instalment of the licence renewal fee.
In 2011-12, the state-owned company had earned Rs 11.60 billion profits. In the year, its revenue was at Rs 36.79 billion. NT, which is also the largest tax paying company, has projected a net profit of Rs 10.59 billion for the last fiscal year. The company paid Rs 2.5 billion to the government as the first instalment of Rs 20 billion licence renewal fee in January.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Expert View - Make a clear Entry Exit Strategy For Stock Investment in Secondary Market

The best time to enter the market is when it down and exit when it is up. However, having said that it is very tough to time the market with perfection. The traders who frequently follow this strategy heavily rely on technical analysis, financial reports, market rumors etc. There have been discussions about the technical analysis in the forum as well.

Premier Insurance 5% bonus share distribution from 15 Shrawan

Premier Insurance Co. Ltd is distributing 5 percent bonus share certificate from 30 July, 2013 (15 Shrawan, 2070).

Nepse leaps by 5.15 Points; Insurance gain 60 points, EBL at Rs 1739.

Continuing the prior week’s dazzling performance, the secondary market today made a leap of 5.15 points.
 As the market has been gaining positive momentum from the past two weeks, the confidence among the investors towards the market is getting stronger every day.

The rise in the confidence sided by the investors' expectation of higher returns from the companies have kept the market so lively in recent days.

Clean Energy and Bhrikutee post profit rise 17.6 & 7.03 crore respectively

Clean Energy Bank Limited has reported a profit of Rs 17.6 crore at the end of the 4th quarter of the FY 2069/70. The figure is 51.40 percent jump from Rs 11.68 crore recorded for the same period last year.
The bank has posted a 30.87 percent rise in deposits, from Rs 5.47 arba last year to Rs 7.16 arba this year. The bank’s EPS stood at Rs 16.20 and its net worth at Rs 122.60.

Siddhartha Growth Scheme NAV nudges up by 0.53%

Weekly NAV of SIGS-1Siddhartha Investment Growth Scheme-1, a closed-end 5 years mutual fund scheme managed by Siddhartha Capital Limited, has reported a net asset value (NAV) of Rs 11.33 for the month of Asar, a 0.53 percent rise from last month.
The scheme that has a total fund of Rs 75 crore has invested Rs 43.56 crore in listed shares and Rs 4.71 crore in initial public offerings (IPOs).

Finance Minister says budget implementation begins

Minister for Finance Shanker Prasad Koirala has said that the recently unveiled fiscal budget has entered its implementation phase.

Inaugurating a day-long training to economic journalists here in Capital on Saturday, Minister Koirala informed that all the projects would get the Nation Planning Commission’s nod by the end of July.

Commercial banks should maintain institutional deposits at less than 60%, NRB

With the Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) directing commercial banks to maintain institutional deposits at less than 60 percent of their total deposits, newer banks will be in a difficult position to implement the NRB directive.
In its new monetary policy, the NRB has asked commercial banks to lessen their dependence on institutional depositors. The central bank adopted such a policy as a precautionary measure against a possible liquidity crisis when a few big institutional depositors withdraw deposits.

Work on Upper Marsyandi hydro project resumes

After four days of interruption, construction work on the 50-MW Upper Marsyandi Hydropower Project is all set to resume Sunday.
Citing lack of security, contractor Sino Hydro had halted the construction work on Wednesday. After six-year-old Akanshya Tamang of Khudi was drowned in the Marsyandi River last Saturday, the locals blamed the project for the incident and vandalised the projects’ vehicles.

Nepal Telecom’s data market share rises to 46 percent

Nepal Telecom’s market share in the data segment has increased by 5 percentage points in the one year period between mid-June 2012 to mid-June 2013, supported mainly by the growth in the number of users of its GPRS, WiMax and ADSL services.
Ncell, however, remains the leader in the segment.

Investors confidence pushes Nepse up 7.55 points

Along with northbound share prices, transaction volume in the stock exchange surged by 84 per cent as the investors are betting for the better days to come, this week –July 21 to 25.

The benchmark index rose by 7.55 points as the more investors are coming in with expectation of better return. The transaction volume that stood at Rs 393.5 million last week surged to Rs 724.6 as of this week.

Unclear benefit sharing mechanism hindering growth of energy sector

Nepal´s energy sector is not becoming competitive mainly due to politicization, unclear mandates to the responsible institutions and unclear benefit sharing mechanism, a study report shows.

"The development of energy sector and its competitiveness have some binding constraints such as political and market uncertainties," a report on ´Practical Approach on Supporting Competitiveness in Carbon Constrained World´ reads.