The benchmark Nepse index added 4.83 points or 0.9% to rest
at nearly session's high of 539.05. Merely 99 companies registered their
presence in the secondary market with 62 gainers and 25 losers. The A-D ratio
was maintained at 2.48. All in all 438116 shares traded today via 1983
transactions. Moreover, Rs. 152630278 turnover was realized along with
Rs.535949.57 million market capitalization.
Hydropower sector accelerates double digits of 25.99 points
or 2.2% to rest at 1207.26. Others sector surge 15.27 points along with 13.48
points up in insurance sector. Banking sector gained 2.67 points or 0.5% to respite at 533.03.
However hotels sector plummets 4.88 points or 0.74% to rest at 653.18.
Sensitive index closed positive of 1.31 points or 0.98% to
close at 134.1. Nepal stock exchange has classified Group 'A' companies for the
fiscal year 2068/69. 120 companies have been included in the blue chips scrip
at secondary market from previous year of 133. While, the float index
calculated on the basis of real transaction ascends 0.224 points to 37.59.